Baal-Perazim is committed to improving its relationships with all service users by listening and resolving all queries brought to our attention. We will treat all complaints with impartiality, due diligence, empathy and courtesy. We welcome complaints and look upon them as opportunities to learn, adapt, improve and deliver excellent services. Baal-Perazim treats every complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction with the service received and we endeavour to promptly deal with your complaint.
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) replaced the Data Protection Act in May 2018. To ensure that we fulfil our duty to comply with these regulations we need to make certain information available to all staff and service users around the way we hold and process their personal information. The General Data Protection Regulations are there for your protection to ensure companies only hold and process your personal information as is needed and in the correct manner.
We are required by law to make our privacy statements available to all staff and service users. Please click on the appropriate link below to read our full statements, there is one for service users and another for staff. The statements also give you information on how you can make a complaint if you are not happy with the way we hold or process your information.
If you would like us to send you a copy of our privacy statement please get in touch by emailing us at and let us know if you are a service user or a staff member and we will be pleased to send you a copy.