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About Us

About Baal-Perazim

For us it’s what matters to you!

We endeavour to be the benchmark of expertise and reliability. We strive to provide superior, bespoke and quality services. We provide services to Adults (16+) and Older Adults (65+) with support needs and multiple long-term conditions to independently live in their own homes.
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Our Vision

To become one of the leading Care at Home service provider in Scotland and to expand our services to include respite care services.
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Our Mission

To provide high quality person-centred care underpinned by Good conversation approach perspectives.
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Aims and Objective

  • To provide an uninterrupted 24-hour service all year round to ensure that all enquiries are dealt with within an acceptable timeframe

  • To deliver care with courtesy, compassion, and competence

  • To comply with all relevant statutory requirements and maintain good practice

  • To promote diversity and equality within our workforce

  • To proactively and consistently evaluate our performance

  • Employ a culture of positively reflecting on complaints and acknowledge the learning it brings​

  • To attract and retain staff

Baal-Perazim`s Regulated Approach to Quality Service

Together with our passionate, competent, and confident care team we endeavour to bring a fresh look to the delivery of care at home services. BP is registered with the Care Inspectorate which is the independent body appointed by the Scottish Government to regulate and inspect care services in Scotland. The Care Inspectorate care services on a regular basis and publishes inspection reports on its website which can be found at Care Inspectorate.

Care Inspectorate Registration Number

Housing Support: CS2019373070

Support Service: CS2019373072