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Work with us, We are Hiring

Are you a reliable, committed and caring person interested in joining our company? We look forward to hearing from you. We are currently recruiting for Support/Care staff, Care Coordinator, On-call Officer and Quality Assurance Officer. Please apply today by clicking on the Apply button at the bottom of this page.

What we offer

  • Competitive rates of pay, we are a living wage employer

  • Mandatory, Specialised and Ongoing training and development

  • Free uniform

  • Accrued holiday pay for seasonal staff

  • Holiday pay for permanent staff

  • Pension Scheme

What we require from you

  • Caring, polite and professional attitude
  • 2 satisfactory references
  • Empathetic approach to dealing with others
  • Previous experience is desirable but full training will be offered (Applies to care staff only)
  • Ability to work shifts

UK Application Form

International Application Form

Training and Development

Baal-Perazim recognises the importance of training, supervision and continuous development. We invest considerable time and resources into the training and development of staff, so if you were to join our committed team, you would be fully supported throughout your career.

Baal-Perazim believes that having structured performance management processes, which incorporate supervision and appraisal along with other programmes for continuous development, plays a significant role in the retention and wellbeing of staff and the delivery of quality care. We have heavily invested in training and development for our workforce to ensure that the quality of care, service users' safety, and their well-being are never compromised.

All our employees receive mandatory training before undertaking any assignments. Prior to undertaking any assignments, every staff member completes 5 days of mandatory induction training which covers our in-house training on our ethos and values and the compulsory courses to enable you to carry out your assigned duties.

We will support you from a strength based approach as opposed to blame and criticism. Baal-Perazim believes that training staff to the highest standard, will ensure that the care and support we provide is underpinned by sound knowledge and understanding. To enable us to achieve our goal, we have invested in a software that will enable us to monitor staff training