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International Recruitment

Are you in Health and Social Care industry and looking for an opportunity to relocate to the UK? Baal-Perazim has been awarded a sponsorship licence which allows us to recruit internationally. We are recruiting for Senior Carers and Care Assistants

Should you become successful in becoming part of our team we will endeavour to share with you our knowledge and experience to help you to settle in UK and in your new role.

You will be offered our in-house robust training covering all the core areas that help to deliver excellent care that is in line with the required standards

You will be supported to gain confidence by offering you shadow shifts with our experienced senior carers.

To ensure that you qualify for the Health and Social Care Visa please refer to the eligibility criteria below. Please do not make any contact if you do not meet any of the requirements.

To find out more about Visa requirements please visit UK Government Website.

International Recruitment Requirements

Please note all certificates will be validated​

Job Descriptions

Successful applicants are required to be SSSC and PVG Registered (This will be completed when you arrive in UK)

Senior Care Worker

The above is intended to provide a statement of the current main duties and responsibilities of the job. It is not an exhaustive list of all tasks carried out.

Successful applicants will be required to register with SSSC and PVG Disclosure Scotland

Care Assistants

Successful applicants will be required to register with SSSC and PVG Disclosure Scotland