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International Recruitment Application Form

  • Personal Details
  • Current Employment
  • Employment History
  • Qualifications and Training
  • Assistance with interview questions
  • Employment References
  • Requirement Checklist
  • Declaration of Criminal
  • Finish
Personal Details
Current Employment
Employment (2)
Qualification (2)
Relevant Experience
Assistance with interview questions
Employment References
Please provide at least two employment references, one which must be from your current or most recent employer and one from previous employer.
Reference (2)
Requirement Checklist
Kindly take note of the statement below. To ensure that you qualify for the Health and Social Care Visa please refer to the eligibility criteria below. Do not make any contact if you do not meet any of the requirements.
Upload Nurse Aide Red Cross Certificate

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Upload Community Based Health Care Certificate

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Upload Advanced First Aid Certificate

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Upload IELTS General UKVI Level B1 with minimum score of 5.0 or a adegree validated by ECCTIS UK here

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Upload TB Test in an approved home office test center - iagnostic Imaging (Not more than 3 month) here.

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Upload Passport here

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Upload Police Clearance (Not more than 3 months old) here

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Upload Driver License here

Max. size: 32.0 MB

Declaration of Criminal
REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 (EXCEPTIONS AND EXLUSIONS (SCOTLAND) ORDER 2003. You are not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are spent under the provisions of the Act and in the event of employment any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal.
Signature And Declaration
I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given by me in this application is true, and I understand that the above information forms the basis of my contract of employment. I understand that if any of the information supplied by me is found to be falsely declared, my contract may have been fundamentally breached, and my employment will be terminated immediately. I understand that I may not be offered a post until satisfactory response has been received with respect to my PVG register status, and that should I subsequently be offered a post, that offer will be subject to receipt of two satisfactory references. By my signature, I authorise Baal-Perazim Care Services to request PVG background check. I undertake to inform my employer immediately of any change to my PVG, such as being charged with an offence, referral to any register of barred list, or withdrawal of any registration required by my employment status.